Rental license refresher training

    1. Welcome!

    2. How the course works

    1. Building and energy

    2. Building and energy

    3. Building & energy quiz

    1. Housing

    2. 1) Housing rental assistance

    3. Rental assistance programs

    4. Housing rental assistance quiz

    5. 2) Housing tenant protections

    6. Housing tenant protections quiz

    1. Natural resources

    2. Natural resources

    3. Natural resources quiz

    4. Operations - snow

    5. Operations- snow

    6. Operations (snow) quiz

    1. Sustainability through energy efficiency

    2. Sustainability

    3. Sustainability quiz

    1. Solid waste

    2. Solid waste

    3. Solid waste quiz

About this course

  • Free
  • 35 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content